A ring of illegal employment of foreigners was detected in Eastern Attica, after a surprise inspection by the Labor Inspectorate, with the assistance of the Greek Police, in a packaging and printing company. 45 illegal aliens from Ethiopia, Pakistan, India and Georgia were found to be employed there. Among them five underage workers.
As reported by AADE, the police investigation of the case continues for the existence of a human trafficking ring, as a foreigner was arrested on suspicion of trafficking foreign workers, who he allegedly exploited due to their particularly vulnerable position and paid them substandard wages, reaping from the value of their work benefit on his behalf. The Police found fake legalization documents.
In addition to the criminal penalty of the case, the Labor Inspectorate will impose fines of 490,000 euros on the employer company, for undeclared employment and violation of the legislation on foreigners. At the same time, the special secretariat for the protection of unaccompanied minors, which operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, was informed in order to ensure the social protection of the five minors.
The labor inspectors, having indications that there may be labor exploitation that constitutes human trafficking, contacted the relevant department of the General Police Security Directorate, so that experienced police officers could undertake the investigation of the case.
Opinion from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court
At the same time, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court, following a request submitted by the commander of the Independent Labor Inspection Authority, Giorgos Tzilivakis, issued through the competent Deputy Prosecutor, Georgios Skiadaresis, number 5/12-06-2023 in-depth opinion on matters concerning the effective cooperation and investigation of the Labor Inspectorate with the police authorities, to combat human trafficking.
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