New measures against punctuality are being prepared by the new government as it targets inflation and tax breaks.
The Market Pass measure will be extended, it seems, and other interventions such as the “household basket” are expected to put a “brake” on price gouging.
According to information, the new government will extend the Market Pass and the household basket. This was indicated by Kostas Skrekas, who during the reception of the Ministry of Development emphasized that the fight against inflation and accuracy is a priority of the new political leadership of the ministry.
Regarding the household basket, Mr. Skrekas said that measures like this will continue since it helped tame inflation, but more detailed announcements will be made today, Wednesday, by the prime minister.
The government’s aim is to find ways to limit the effects of the accuracy that continues to sweep and reduce the disposable income of citizens, especially the economically weaker sections.
Market Pass extension
A new round is also expected for the Market Pass, which has already passed 33 weeks since first applied.
Specifically, in these 33 weeks, out of the 1206 products in supermarkets, 60 products (4.98%) showed an increase, 49 (4.06%) showed a decrease and 1,097 (90.96%) remained stable.
Market Pass is expected to be extended until last day of 2023 and will last for 5 months, from August to December 2023. The cost of the program is estimated at 100 million euros per month, while the subsidy ranges from 22 to 100 euros.
Applications are made on the platform. Those who had used Market Pass will not need to submit a new application, while those who were rejected or forgot to apply can submit it on the platform.
Within the next week, it is expected that the last installment for the market pass will be paid and it will concern all those who had chosen to be paid the allowance, through an immaterial digital card. The rest who had requested a deposit to their bank account have already been paid.
Based on the previous context, beneficiaries of the Market Pass were natural persons, single, married, members of a cohabitation agreement, separated, divorced or widowed, who are tax residents of Greece and meet the income and real estate value criteria provided by law .
The Market Pass immaterial digital card is used at POS owned by Super Markets, grocery stores, butchers, patisseries, dairies, bakeries and various food stores.
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