Areas of the National Gallery were flooded by the severe weather front Daniel, which caused heavy rains in Athens as well, fortunately without any damage to any of the works exhibited there.
According to the Ministry of Culture, due to the intense weather conditions in Athens, an inflow of rainwater was found in the building of the National Gallery, from the entrance of Michalakopoulou Street.
Due to the large volume of water in the street, which could not be absorbed by the storm drains of the city network, it entered the building and ended up in the first basement.
Instructions have already been given by the competent Directorate for the Protection and Restoration of Newer and Modern Monuments (DIPANSSM) of the Ministry of Culture for additional armoring of the building.
None of the works on display in the Gallery were damaged.
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Problems in Rex theater as well
Also, problems were found in the basement of the REX building. Specifically, in the basement, in the areas of the HEDNO’s (Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A.) EM installations (MT transformer area and electrical panel area) and the building’s EM installations, the presence of water was found. Water inflow was also observed in some places on the basement ceiling.
On the sidewalk of Panepistimiou Street, there is a manhole that leads to the engine room of HEDNO, which is non-watertight, covered with a perforated metal lid, exposed and not sheltered. On the same sidewalk there is a non-watertight door with a perforated lid for the passage of pipes and ducts.
According to the assessment of the competent Directorate for the Protection and Restoration of Newer and Modern Monuments, the large volume of water entered from the two gates of the HEDNO on the sidewalk and ended up in the engine room.
It was also found that water had entered, possibly from the rainwater collection pipes of Panepistimiou Street, from the well located on the right side of the building’s facade.
Officials are already in consultation with HEDNO and the Technical Service of the Municipality of Athens, in order to deal with the issues.
It should be noted that in Thessaly, and in particular in the Regional Units of Magnesia and Karditsa, it is not possible to perform checks on archaeological sites and monuments.
When the phenomenon subsides, levels of the competent Antiquities Authority will carry out checks to record any damage.
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