“Masdar Invests in the people of Greece and in the vision of TERNA ENERGY”
Four messages from the CEO of Masdar, the Arab renewable energy giant, after its acquisition of 70% of TERNA ENERGY
Four messages from the CEO of Masdar, the Arab renewable energy giant, after its acquisition of 70% of TERNA ENERGY
The new economic figures and the geostrategic importance of positioning in the Balkans
The EDA development plans for 2023-2027
Unexpected delays because of bad weather
The case of Energean in Ioannina
How PPC and the public will bear the burden of supporting the factories
Ramform Hyperion seismographic vessel begins 3D seismic on Helleniq Energy blocks
Electricity suppliers woo consumers with competitive rates
15% reduction in domestic natural gas consumption in Greece. Inauguration in Revythousa of the reception station for LNG tankers
Another lesson learned by even the most skeptical and ignorant is that natural gas is linked to geopolitical games
The Greek government is activating plan B - Greek Energy Minister meets with Stasinopoulos, Papalexopoulos and Mytilineos - He asked them to prepare energy saving plans
The Regulatory Authority For Energy and the government are finalizing the plan to prevent a total blackout in the country's energy system
1,000 new jobs will be created and it will provide local communities with 110 million euros in additional revenue
The 5-member team is coordinated by Dr. Th. Tsakiris
What’s included in the investment
The new Greek LNG infrastructure provides alternative gas supply sources for Europe - Four FSRUs, two in Alexandroupolis, one in Corinth and one in Thessaloniki are in the pipeline- The key role of Energean
The General Assembly will take place on 15 June
The measures that public bodies and their staff should take to reduce energy consumption
CEO statements to shareholders concerning prices. Fuel and electricity prices will be rocky in 2022 opined HELPE CEO Andreas Siamisi. Dividend distribution of 0.40 euros per share.
What the deputy CEO said in the teleconference with the analysts about the oil market and the deal with Ellactor. Motor Oil profitability at record levels.
In Athens today the Israeli Cable Administrator with Cyprus and Greece. Skrekas and Manousakis in Cairo, within the month.
What HEPI data show for household electricity bills in May in 33 European cities - The Greek government is expected to continue its policy of subsidizing electricity bills in June
PPC is proceeding with its green transformation
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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