Greek Development Mon.: “Thriasio will become the largest business park in SE Europe”
What the business proposal submitted to the Ministry of Development includes
What the business proposal submitted to the Ministry of Development includes
It is the first time that fines have been imposed at the maximum prescribed amount, the Minister of Development pointed out
The chains concerned
The Greek Shipbuilding Industry is becoming a pioneer in the electrification of ships, noted the Minister of Development
The plan consists of a set of 43 interventions aimed at strengthening Greek industry, with a total budget of 2.1 billion euros
The ambitious targets, Adonis Georgiadis, Nikos Karanikas and Milionis
Not only did they cancel the increases they had announced, but they also made reductions, the development minister said
The government is not considering a horizontal reduction of fuel taxes at this stage, the development minister said, among other things
Or so said Minister of Development on the MEGA" channel morning show
The measure appears unable to reverse food inflation
Off the list of the festive basket of Greek favorite holiday sweets melomakarona and kourabiedes
The Minister of Development foresees the FDI streak will continue
"We've had name brand markdowns, minimal increases and lots of fixed price products"
The Minister of Development talks of Black Friday... and the household basket
Minister of Development tweets on supermarket prices
The minister also spoke about the "household basket"
The minister emphasized that the prices of many products are falling due to greater competition
The supermarkets included in the measure must have at least one product from each product category included in the household basket at an affordable price
"The household basket will be renewed every week while consumers will have the opportunity to be informed about the prices electronically" said the Minister of Development
The issues discussed
On Wednesday the Minister of Development will meet with market reps
All the big investments that were "stuck" for a number of years are in the implementation phase, said the Minister of Development
The energy crisis has a positive aspect for Greece: its emergence as an important player for RES. The climate towards Greece has changed, according toDev. Min. Adonis Georgiadis.
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