Fin. Min.: A major national goal has been achieved through the exit from enhanced supervision
Τhe benefits from exiting
Τhe benefits from exiting
Klaus Regling: Greece's reform progress continues
New support measures for households and businesses
Finance Minister Christos Staikouras is in Luxembourg for Eurogroup and Ecofin meetings
Staikouras-Lindner meeting
Discussion on new fuel support is premature
The revelations of the 14th evaluation by the Commission expected today.
The vice-president of the Commission said that everything will depend on the evaluation and the consultations will take place in June - What he said after the tele-meeting he had with the Minister of Finance Christos Staikouras
The primary deficit in 2021 is expected to be 1.5% to 2% of GDP lower than estimated in the state budget, according to an analysis by Ethniki - It estimates that there will be a significant de-escalation of public debt to 183% of GDP in 2022
The milestones and significance of the 13th Lenders Report released on Wednesday - The investment grade rating and the market signal
Crucial is the ongoing assessment that will put Greece's progress on the list of measures and reforms on the table - What is changing
French Deputy Minister for Economy, Finance and Recovery talks about changes to Stability Pact and priorities of French presidency
The goals of the government's financial staff according to what was presented by the Minister of Finance Christos Staikouras, during the cabinet meeting
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