Greek Youth Struggle Amidst Low Wages and Soaring Expenses
Furthermore, 52.7% of respondents attribute Greece's current significant issues to governmental failure, while another 49.1% anticipate continued economic hardship in the nation's future
Furthermore, 52.7% of respondents attribute Greece's current significant issues to governmental failure, while another 49.1% anticipate continued economic hardship in the nation's future
The bidding book has closed with offers surpassing 35 billion euros
While Greece still lags behind other southern European countries, it nevertheless comes in sixth in southeast Europe, while Athens is ranked at 153rd out of 1,000 cities surveyed.
The same study, entitled Holiday Shopping Trends 2021, and conducted by Sitecore, shows that 50 percent of Greek respondents consider their mental health as good, agreeing with the prospect of spending more on themselves as a type of “therapy” after a difficult year due to the pandemic.
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