European Central Bank Cuts Interest Rates by 25 Basis Points
It is the fourth cut of interest rates by Europe’s central bank, a move expected by the markets and financial analysts leading to the rate settling at 3%.
It is the fourth cut of interest rates by Europe’s central bank, a move expected by the markets and financial analysts leading to the rate settling at 3%.
The Greek central banker, considered as among the “doves” on the European Central Bank's governing council, also said the latter must differentiate its positions from the FED
What were the main questions that revolved around the course of the Greek banks
Inflation in Greece will be very close to the European Central Bank's target
What did the Governor of the Bank of Greece say about undeclared incomes and the strength of the economy
The areas of concern for bank administrations
He spoke of the crisis in the Middle East, the course of the Greek economy and the uncertainties at the European level
The ECB's Board of Directors is meeting in Athens on interest rates
The meeting is taking place amid the flare-up in the Middle East
What do the figures of the Bank of Greece show? Bank products with higher interest rates
Big difference between loans and deposits in Greece - DBRS Morningstar's report on European banks is revealing
In February alone, for which the Bank of Greece has published data, term accounts were boosted by 1.9 billion euros
The governor of the Bank of Greece sends a message to the political forces for prudence and responsibility ahead of the elections
Initial reports point to freeze on the Euribor one-month rate, the three-month rate and the basic ECB rate
Commission reductions of 25-50% are also coming to its invoice for online transactions
The bank offers interest rates as high as 1.30% for a one-year deposit term.
Meeting of the finance minister with bankers today
The issues Fin. Min. Christos Staikouras will take up with bankers
The main characteristic of the renewed products is that the longer the duration of the deposit, the higher the reward in interest or even in kind
What talks will focus on
Considerations for a reissue by the end of the year and the high cost of borrowing
The bond markets in the Eurozone, including that of Greece, are under strong pressure this morning
In detail the data concerning interest rates on new deposits and new loans according to the Bank of Greece
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