Ferry Tickets: New price hikes of 5% – 10%
The previous increase, in April 2022, reached an average of 10 to 12%
The previous increase, in April 2022, reached an average of 10 to 12%
The products the price of which will increase
The analysts' estimates
March was the month of price hikes, with businesses trying to cover the unprecedented rise in energy costs with price increases
The Greek Government Spokesman, Mr Giannis Economou, announced that, by the end of the week, the financial support measures to households will be announced
The price of gasoline is steadily rising
The plan provides for the payment of the allowance before Easter with the final decisions for the beneficiaries and the amount of aid to be taken in March
Increases attributed by Cosco executives to rising energy costs and inflation
The heavy cost of the coronavirus for wages. The two increases of 2022 and the request of the General Confederation of Labor GSEE for a new minimum wage at 809 euros.
The extent of the impact of the pandemic and the energy crisis on the group's activities in the coming period will largely depend on future developments and government measures
23% increase in unleaded, 36% in heating oil, 30% in diesel this year
The Minister of Environment and Energy left open the possibility for aid measures for natural gas consumers
Why an everyday pleasure turns into luxury - What changes from January 1, 2022
Proposal of the consumer organization is to reduce the excise tax on fuels and to have a reduction or exemption of VAT rate in certain product categories such as water, bread, milk, water, electricity, etc.
Barrage of price increases in basic foodstuffs - When will the desired correction come
Regarding the inflationary trends, the Minister of Development and Investments stressed that from the holidays onwards, the reverse course of the phenomenon will begin
The government spokesman stated that clarifications will be given on Monday for the announcements of the Prime Minister
The jump in prices recorded in the wholesale market of Europe will cause an "electrical shock" to households and businesses, if the increases are finally reflected in the retail
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Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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