In the last year, the Public Gas Distribution Networks (DEDA) has auctioned projects worth 180 million euros for the construction of gas distribution networks in Greece and many of them have already been contracted. This was stated by the president of the Public Gas Distribution Company, Vassilis Kotronis, at the 1st  “GREEN DEAL GREECE 2021” conference organized yesterday by the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE). Referring to the implementation of the Development Plan 2021-2025 of DEDA, Mr Kotronis added that by the end of 2021, the auctions of the remaining projects will be finalized, with investments in gas distribution infrastructure reaching a total of 300 million euros. The program will bring gas to 34 cities, he noted.

The starting point of the big development projects of DEDA, stressed Mr. Kotronis, is the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace where the works for the construction of the natural gas distribution network have already started. Next are the Regions of Central Macedonia and Central Greece for which temporary contractors have been announced and the evaluation process is in the completion phase.

The “baton” will then be taken up by the Region of Western Macedonia where the works are currently being auctioned, as well as the Regions of Western Greece and Epirus.

“After a long period, from 2010 to 2019, when the engineering industry faced great difficulties, today we are called upon to face a pleasant challenge that will enable us to realize the vision we had for the engineering profession as students. of the Polytechnic “, commented the president of DEDA, adding that now the development perspectives that are opening in the country create conditions for stopping the phenomenon of brain drain and the return of the engineers who emigrated abroad in the previous years.

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