Eva Kaili appealed to the European Court arguing that the lifting of her immunity is illegal.
According to Euroactiv, the appeal concerns an earlier case that came to light just a few days after the Qatargate scandal and concerns the salaries of her assistants in the European Parliament.
The content of the appeal has not been made public. However, Euroactiv, which publishes the news, notes that the appeal suggests that the basic condition for lifting an MEP’s immunity, that is, that he/she be arrested for committing an offence, does not apply in this particular case.
Her reactions to Giorgi being released from prison
Meanwhile, Eva Kaili’s side is reacting negatively to the release from prison, with an electronic monitoring device of Francesco Giorgi decided by the Belgian judiciary, with the statement issued by Eva Kaili’s lawyer causing an sensatsion.
Michalis Dimitrakopoulos made a caustic comment noting that this development is an oxymoron, while adding that Mrs. Kaili “will not confess to crimes she has not committed”.
“It is obvious that the Belgian criminal justice system rewards criminals who confess their guilt and melts down those who fight for their innocence, institutionally despising the presumption of innocence, a pillar of legal European culture,” commented Mr. Dimitrakopoulos characteristically.
“Eva Kaili is bearing through, she will not confess to crimes she has not committed, she will continue to fight for her acquittal.
“Really, what a legal oxymoron it seems that Ms. Eva Kaili remains in prison, because it is assumed that she will destroy evidence of the case, if she is released, while the protagonists, who are released from prison, if there are any evidence… they will water it down and then hand it over… to the Authorities…”, commented Eva Kaili’s lawyer.
When the scandal broke, Giorgi insisted that his partner was innocent and had no knowledge of his illegal activities with Antonio Panzeri, the alleged mastermind of the scandal, while he pleaded guilty.
Giorgi in the same cell as Panzeri
The decision to release Giorgi with an electronic tracking device, was taken after his hearing yesterday, a fact that caused a stir: According to Greek public broadcaster ERT, Francesco Giorgi and Antonio Panzeri shared the same cell for a few days.
And the question that arises is how did Belgian authorities allow this, since they claim that they do not want contacts between people who have information about the Qatargate corruption scandal, because they can even change their stories?
It is recalled that Panzeri has made an agreement with the authorities to provide information, in exchange for a reduction of his sentence.
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