The Master Plan for the State Airport of Chios is right on schedule
"No amendment to the Master Plan for the modernization and development of the airport has been issued"
"No amendment to the Master Plan for the modernization and development of the airport has been issued"
A legendary product intertwined with traditions but also with unique beneficial and therapeutic properties
The relevant programming contract, between the EOT and the Municipality of Chios, was ratified on Monday, March 13, 2023, in the presence of the minister and Member of Parliament of Chios, Notis Mitarakis.
The project is financed by the NSRF 2014-2020, through the Operational Program "Transport Infrastructures, Environment and Sustainable Development"
The First Resurrection was performed in Chios with brilliance and enthusiasm on the morning of Holy Saturday
The President of Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) Mr. Yu Zenggang stressed that Greece and China have been pioneers for a long time and know maritime issues in depth and that is why they must lead the developments for the future of shipping worldwide together
The "Mastiha Experience Project" is undertaking the initiative to "introduce" mastic to the international and Greek public
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
Ιδιοκτησία - Δικαιούχος domain name: ΟΝΕ DIGITAL SERVICES MONOΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΕ
Νόμιμος Εκπρόσωπος: Ιωάννης Βρέντζος
Έδρα - Γραφεία: Λεωφόρος Συγγρού αρ 340, Καλλιθέα, ΤΚ 17673
ΑΦΜ: 801010853, ΔΟΥ: ΦΑΕ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ
Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση Επικοινωνίας: ot@alteregomedia.org, Τηλ. Επικοινωνίας: 2107547007
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