NBG After-Tax Profits Reach 983mln€ in 3Q 2024
NBG CEO Pavlos Mylonas: In 3Q24 we delivered a solid set of financial results, with our strong capital position and highly liquid balance sheet remaining key comparative advantages
NBG CEO Pavlos Mylonas: In 3Q24 we delivered a solid set of financial results, with our strong capital position and highly liquid balance sheet remaining key comparative advantages
Pavlos Mylonas spoke at the annual Energy conference, co-organized by the Greek-American Chamber of Commerce and the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics at the Thessaloniki Trade Fair (TIF)
The positive trend is reflected by the high demand expectations of Greek hoteliers, according to the study, with the relevant index reaching its highest historical point in the January-February period
Karamouzis spoke during a panel on “Large projects transforming Greece” at the 25th annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum in New York City
The extension of the tourist season
National Bank (NBG on Tuesday reported net earnings of 530 million euros in first half 2023 results, slightly down from 546 million euros in the corresponding period of 2022
He appeared optimistic that NBG group will pay out a dividend to shareholders in 2024
After the collapse of activity due to the pandemic, the Greek economy has pleasantly surprised with its dynamics
This collaboration is expected to create significant value from synergies
The auction was the first with the UK currency by a Greek-based issuer since 2009 with 70 percent of the bond placed with foreign investors.
Another two of the four systemic lenders in Greece reported profits for the first nine months of 2022
A report by the Athens-based systemic bank pointed to increased spending per arrival, estimated at 11 percent higher than in 2019, albeit two-thirds of the increase is attributed to inflation
The transaction has a positive effect of about 90 basis points on the National Bank's Total Capital Index
The country’s economy will post a significant GDP growth in 2022
Net profits from interest rates increased by 5 percent on an annual basis during the same period, reflecting a hike in the NPL portfolio
Discussions with the consortium have a specific timeframe, NBG said.
Hardouvelis has served as a non-executive member of NBG's board since 2019
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