PM Mitsotakis: Growth plan for Western Macedonia envisages works worth 4 bln euros
The works will launch many new public and private investments
The works will launch many new public and private investments
A European program, in which The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) participates as a partner, identified the Pentalofos and Eptachori formations as possible areas. Underground storage areas are also being sought for hydrogen,
Online event on "Western Macedonia - European Hydrogen Node - Energy Crisis"
The rated power of each photovoltaic park is 100kW, while the estimated annual electricity production and efficiency of each park, in a life cycle of 25 years, is approximately 145,000 kWh and 3,250,000 kWh respectively
The large reduction in production is estimated to range from 60 to 70%.
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
Ιδιοκτησία - Δικαιούχος domain name: ΟΝΕ DIGITAL SERVICES MONOΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΕ
Νόμιμος Εκπρόσωπος: Ιωάννης Βρέντζος
Έδρα - Γραφεία: Λεωφόρος Συγγρού αρ 340, Καλλιθέα, ΤΚ 17673
ΑΦΜ: 801010853, ΔΟΥ: ΦΑΕ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ
Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση Επικοινωνίας: ot@alteregomedia.org, Τηλ. Επικοινωνίας: 2107547007
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