Heineken profits from Athenian Brewery at over 85 million euros in 2020-2022
Distribution of an interim dividend of almost 12 million euros for 2022 – Sales in the 9th month of 2022 record double-digit growth rate,
Distribution of an interim dividend of almost 12 million euros for 2022 – Sales in the 9th month of 2022 record double-digit growth rate,
How Athenian Brewery, Olympic Brewery, EZA and Vergina are doing - How much have prices increased
The company is participating in the Reconstruction Program of the area and will co-finance the Special Urban Planning of the municipality of Istiaia-Edipsos
The company presented the results of the Sustainable Development Report 2019-2020 - 38 million euro investment plan
At 16 million euros, the dividend to shareholders for the year 2020 is equal to the year 2019
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
Ιδιοκτησία - Δικαιούχος domain name: ΟΝΕ DIGITAL SERVICES MONOΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΕ
Νόμιμος Εκπρόσωπος: Ιωάννης Βρέντζος
Έδρα - Γραφεία: Λεωφόρος Συγγρού αρ 340, Καλλιθέα, ΤΚ 17673
ΑΦΜ: 801010853, ΔΟΥ: ΦΑΕ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ
Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση Επικοινωνίας: ot@alteregomedia.org, Τηλ. Επικοινωνίας: 2107547007
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