Posidonia 2022: “Ship Adoption” and other innovative actions by Project Connect
The Virtual 3D Shipping Company Tour was launched internationally for the first time by Project Connect
The Virtual 3D Shipping Company Tour was launched internationally for the first time by Project Connect
This year's event raised the bar in terms of international prestige to other levels
More than 27,000 people passed through the gates of the Athens Metropolitan Expo
Union of Greek Shipowners president, Melina Travlou, had messages for all at a press conference in the context of the international exhibition "Posidonia 2022"
The award was given by international accredited registrar and classification society DNV
The International Association of Cruise Companies (CLIA) at the world's leading shipping event
CLIA officials promised significant investment in new vessels with more eco-friendly technology
A delegation of the Union of Greek Shipowners toured the premises of the international exhibition Poseidonia 2022
What the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment said
Orders for 22 Greek-owned ships in the first quarter
The goal is to develop synergies that will boost their extroversion
The memo has been inked
Meetings of Ms. Travlou and the presidency of the Union of Greek Shipowners in the context of the Posidonia exhibition
PM visits company kiosk
The Prime Minister was informed about it at the WIMA stand
The increase in value comes after the number of Greek-owned vessels rose by only 474, or 11 percent between the same period
The biannual Posidonia exhibition, touted as the most prominent such trade show worldwide
Shipowners must shape their business strategies to reflect tightening environmental controls
Cultivate a new culture and working environment in which women’s participation is highlighted
Islands and harbor towns indelibly linked over the centuries with Greek seafarers and shipping
Confronting immediately any crime, patrolling national maritime borders as well as supporting mercantile marine
Mr. Theofilos K. Xenakoudis, the director of worldwide business operations and managing director of the Marshall Islands Registry (Piraeus, Greece), discusses the foreign flag that remains among the top choices for Greek ship-owners
The analysis of the immense data volume, which arise from recording the position of ships, assists the management of fleets but also constitutes an indicator of economic activity
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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