PM Mitsotakis Discusses EU Defense, Security at North-South Summit
Hosted in Lapland, Finland, which shares a 1,300 km border with Russia, the summit brought together South and North European leaders to discuss security, defense, and migration
Hosted in Lapland, Finland, which shares a 1,300 km border with Russia, the summit brought together South and North European leaders to discuss security, defense, and migration
Αναλυτικά τα 45 μέτρα που ανακοίνωσε ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης
Η φέτα
The Prime Minister is expected to announce measures which aim to reduce some of the agricultural sector's costs
Mitsotakis said his government remains committed to pushing forth reforms and guaranteeing fiscal stability
He will meet with Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu
Greek Prime Minister condemned what he termed the carnage stemming a massive and concerted attack
The next significant date on the agenda is a convening of a bilateral high level cooperation council in Thessaloniki on Dec. 7.
Mitsotakis spoke on Saturday evening during a customary state-of-the-economy address at the annual Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF)
Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis himself made the announcement from Larissa
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday called his official visit to Egypt and meeting with Egyptian President Abdel El-Sisi "brief but productive"
What the Prime Minister said in Parliament
The meeting commenced at roughly noon local time, and was originally set to last for half an hour
Newly re-elected Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Tuesday revealed that his center-right and pro-reform government aims to repay some of Greece’s bailout loans ahead of time
Kyriakos Mitsotakis spoke about the new election contest and the goals of New Democracy
”Given that today we exhibit only 10 percent of the artifacts and objects in our warehouses,” Mitsotakis said
Late-night exit polls, with all votes counted, given Christodoulides nearly 52 percent, compared to slightly more than 48 percent for Andreas Mavroyiannis
Voting against the motion were deputies of center-right New Democracy
The center-right political leader downplayed any possibility of a conflict between Greece and an increasingly belligerent Erdogan-led Turkey
Earlier, Mitsotakis toured the new museum at the Royal Macedonian Tombs of Aigai, at the iconic Vergina site
"We are obviously preparing for winter and must be as protected as possible"
Beginning with the first payments in January 2023
Με βάση την τελευταία δημοσκόπηση της GPO που έδινε στην πρόθεση ψήφου στον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ 24,2% και στο ΠΑΣΟΚ-ΚΙΝΑΛ 11,1% έχει ενδιαφέρον να δούμε από πού έρχονται και τι δρόμο έχουν να κάνουν οι ψηφορόροι του κάθε κόμματος
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